Saturday, April 22, 2006

the excitement builds

Six more days before I get on the boat. We won't actually leave that night, but the captain wants us to spend at least one night on the boat before we leave so that we will be somewhat accustomed to the motion. This could avert some sea sickness the next day. I will start laying out the things that I intend to take with me when I get home from work tonight. Everything will have to fit in two small duffle bags. I have been making a list of items for the last month. I still have a list of things to do, and will be able to start on that early in the week. I need to spend some time instructing Pat on how to operate the lawn tractor. She is somewhat intimidated by it. I also need to pick up the prescriptions that Dr. Thomas called in for us. He gave me a prescription of wide spectrum anti biotics, sea sickness patches, and a prescription of Vicodin for pain. Hpefully we will need none of this stuff. I woke up about 2:00 Am and began imagining the trip, and couldn't go back to sleep until about 4:00AM. I visualized us passing by the Bay Bridge tunnel and then slowly watching the land fade from view behind us, as we headed out into the open ocean. I can't wait much longer!!!
The Ol' Curmudgeon


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