Thursday, December 07, 2006

Bobby's Christmas

I wrote this story a few years ago for my grand children,

It was Christmas Eve. The tree lights had been turned out. Cookies and milk were in place for Santa, and carrots had been laid out
for the reindeer. Bobby's mom, dad, and sister had been asleep for at least an hour, but Bobby wasn't going to sleep tonight
until he had actually seen Santa. Some of the kids at school didn't believe in Santa, and Bobby was beginning to think that the other
kids may be right. He had decided to stay up and see for himself whether Santa was real or not. He was very excited as he tiptoed
into the family room where the Christmas Tree stood. The room lights were turned out, but the moon was bright and
the reflection off of the snow made the room bright enough for Bobby to find his way across the floor. He had planned to hide behind
the small table that was beside the sofa, from this vantage point he would be able to see both the fireplace and the Christmas Tree.
Bobby slid the table out a little way until he could just squeeze behind it. He wasn't very comfortable on the hardwood floor with his
legs drawn up in front of him. He hoped that Santa would arrive soon. Bobby sat in this position for a very long time. His right leg
had gone to sleep and he felt that he needed to change position. He laid down on the floor and found that he could still see out
from under the table. Bobby waited.
There was a noise in the chimney! Bobby's eyes opened wide! He was so excited that he started to breath very rapidly. Surely
Santa would hear him breathing! He tried to calm himself down. Suddenly there he was, Santa himself! The old gentleman backed
out of the fireplace, stood up, brushed himself off, and dragged a large bag out of the fireplace behind him. He reached into the
bag and withdrew a book. Santa opened the book and read two names."Hmmm; Bobby and Susan Johnson live here. Let's see
what I have for them this year." He reached into the bag and withdrew several gaily wrapped packages. He placed them under the
tree and then turned toward Bobby. " Aren't you supposed to be in bed Bobby?" Santa asked. Bobby didn't know what to say. He
was very frightened! "Come here Bobby." Santa said, and Bobby scooted out from his hiding place behind the table where he had
felt so well hidden. How had Santa discovered his hiding place, he wondered." Don't worry Bobby." said Santa. "Lots of children stay
awake on Christmas eve to see me. Would you like to see my reindeer?" "Y-e-ss!" Bobby stammered!" " Hang on to my hand
Bobby." Santa said and in an instant they were on the roof of their house. He didn't even remember coming up the chimney it had
happened so fast."These are my reindeer." Santa said. "I would bet that you know their names. Bobby looked at the reindeer. They
were so beautiful. There were eight of them just as the stories said. The reindeer shook their heads and snorted. Silver bells on the
harnesses jingled as the reindeer pranced around. It was obvious to Bobby that these reindeer loved working for Santa. They were
eager to get moving again soon. Santa took hold of Bobby's hand and in the blink of an eye Bobby found himself back in the family
"Thank you for the cookies and milk Bobby. I will take these carrots to my reindeer. They will need the energy before morning.
We have a long way to travel tonight. Oh by the way Bobby." Santa said. "You won't remember any of what happened tonight. I don't
let anyone remember." And with that Santa's hand came rapidly from his pocket and he threw some sparkly dust toward Bobby's
eyes. Bobby rubbed his eyes and fell deeply asleep as Santa carried him gently toward the stairs that led to his bedroom.
"Wake up Bobby!" His sister Susan said. She was standing beside his bed gently shaking him. "Santa came last night and you
should see the presents under the tree!" Bobby and Susan descended the stairs and ran to the family room. The tree lights were lit,
and mom and dad were standing beside the fireplace where a fire blazed merrily as the logs popped and cracked in the flames.
Santa had been right. Bobby didn't remember the previous evening. He didn't remember seeing the reindeer, nor did he
remember going up and down the chimney. But from that moment on Bobby believed with all of his heart that Santa was very real.
Tom Neiger copyright


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