Friday, March 27, 2009

Oral cancer. My personal journey

Pat and I are in Ohio visiting my daughter and the grandkids. We got a call while traveling yesterday morning from the ENT doctor. He told me that everything was clear and that there was no cancer in my body. I knew that I was really nervous about getting the results, but didn't realize how strung out I was until I heard the great news. It was a significant emotional event!!! What a relief! It was like getting a new life. We called everyone from our cell phone and told them the news. Pat Had to do most of the talking. I was too shook up to talk much for a while.
Thanks to all of the people who prayed for us. It was the difference.
I was introduced to a lady this morning whose husband has inoperable lung cancer. Believe me...I can empathize!!! It seems like cancer is everywhere any more, or maybe I am just much more aware


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