Thursday, March 19, 2009

Oral cancer. My personal journey

There is nothing new regarding my cancer situation. I feel great. The only problems are the congestion in my larnyx, and the lack of taste. My next big event will be March 25th when I have another PET scan.
It is supposed to go to seventy degrees today. We bought some shrubs and crepe myrtles yesterday. We will plant them today. It just feels so good to be outside. We had a Carolina Wren build a nest under the cover of our propane bottle again this year. The tiny male has a really loud song for such a little bird and he flys around telling the world where his territory is. I got an email from a friend yesterday that had a map showing the migration of the Ruby Throated Hummingbird. They are already at the North Carolina/Virginia border. We will put up our feeders today. Anybody that feeds them is aware of how fascinating they are to watch. They fight over who owns the feeder, and chase one another all over the yard. Last year I actually watched as two of them locked feet and rolled around on the ground.


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