Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Newly elected politicians to work for American people

I have been listening to the news tonight. The newly elected demagogues have been having their say. I have heard politician after politician talk about doing what the American people want. I have heard this, “Work of the American people.” So many times that I have been contemplating sticking my finger down my throat to disgorge all of the bile that is building up inside me! (I shouldn’t watch TV). Politicians don’t work for the American people. They never have. They work for the major corporations and banks. These are the organizations that bought and paid for them by funding their campaign chests. So who do these politicians owe? It isn’t Joe Lunchbox, the American average Joe, that’s for damned sure!

My wife was telling me that Bush is going to be interviewed on one of the TV stations in the near future and asked me if I was going to watch the interview. It was a joke. She knows that I can’t stand the sight of him. I have muted the volume on the TV every time is smug little face appeared for the last four years that he was in office. He has nothing to say to me. He Cheney and Rumsfeld ought to be tried for war crimes after misleading, “ The American people” and getting us involved in Iraq and Afghanistan. I would say that some wars are very necessary. World war two for example. The two wars that Bush got us into were absolutely not necessary! There will be a lot of empty chairs at Thanksgiving tables for years to come because of these three war criminals, and for what?


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