Friday, December 15, 2006

Chritmas Time At Last!

I love Christmas and have been known to whistle Christmas melodies even during the summer. My daughter Nancy loves Christmas as much as I do. I have called her three times already today to insure that she is as jacked up as I am. I called her a couple of hours ago and pretended to be out of breath. She asked why I was breathing so hard and I told her that I and two neighbors had just loaded her Christmas present into the trailer because it was to big to be transported by car. Now she knows that this is BS, but it is all part of what we do to each other to insure that everyone is properly excited. My sister Jan and I were the kids that got so wound up about Christmas that there was absolutely no sleeping on Christmas Eve. If it had been true that Santa wouldn't come until we were asleep we would have never gotten any gifts. My parents would not let us get out of bed on Christmas morning until they were up and the coffee pot had been fired up. We would start calling out to our mother and dad about 5:00 A.M. to see if they would get up which they never did. We would continue badgering them until they finally acquiesced about 6:00 A.M. We would open our presents and then would feel like zombies the rest of the day because of lack of sleep.
We will be in Richmond tomorrow to celebrate Christmas with Nancy and her family and then will leave at 5:00 A.M. so that we can be at my sister's house in Michigan by 5:00 P.M. She has invited all of our kids and grandkids to her house for soup. We haven't seen some of our grandkids in a year. We are excited. Pat controls her excitement better than I do. I squeal like a teenaged girl. She just laughs at me.
The Ol' Curmudgeon


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