orientation at cancer center
Oct 20th,
I was wrong when I said in yesterday's post that Pat and I would be seeing a video today at the chemo center. One of the chemo nurses simply went over everything and gave us some booklets to read. They are very patient people at the center. I am used to seeing an internest who is on a rigid schedule. The folks at the cancer center take all of the time that I want. They are very caring, compassinate people. Tomorrow I get full dental x-rays. I told the chemo nurse today that I stay on top of my dental health and there shouldn't be a problem. She told me that the doctor still might want to have some of my teeth pulled. Man!!! I hope that isn't the case!! It seems that I get one bit of bad news digested and then here comes some more.
I told the nurse today that I wanted to get started. I want this over with. The target date is still the 30th of the month. As an additonal kick in the tail...I sprained my back today starting my rototiller!!! UGHHHH!!
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