I was surprised when Rick Wagoner was asked to step down from his position as CEO of General Motors. I have said all along that GM needed some outsiders on their board. It has been a good old boy organization since way before I hired in to work for them in 1964. College grads were hired and indoctrinated in the GM method. The secret to promotion seemed to be to support your boss whether he was wrong or right. Never take a stand on anything, and slowly but surely one would get promoted to their highest level of incompetance. Don't dare to think outside the box. That just wasn't the GM way!
What surprised me was that Wagoner was asked to step down and yet all of the big shot bankers were simply handed bushel baskets full of money and weren't even asked what they planned to do with it. They ran the banking system into the ground and yet there they sit. How come their hides haven't been nailed to the barn door?
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