Tuesday, February 22, 2005

God A Biography--A book report

Pat and I belong to a group that reads various thought provoking religious books. Some are good, and some are not so good. We gave up on one of the not so good books tonight. The group was two thirds of the way through God A Biography when we relazied that the book was a bunch of hooey. I believe sincerely that the author was trying to impress himself with his vocabulary. He certainly wasn't writing so that the average man could enjoy his book. God A Biography won the Pulitzer Prize which makes me think that the Pulitzer group is very impressed by big words also and by an author that jumps all over the map. (I think that the Pulitzer group was bedazzled by the big words) I feel that the book would make a great wasp killer. You know--wait until the wasp lands on a flat surface and smack it with the book. To bad there aren't outhouses anymore. I could think of a use for it there as well!!

The Ol Curmudgeon


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