Sunday, April 24, 2005

A Sunday in Deltaville

I am here at the marina today where I am a dockmaster. All is pretty quiet here on Sundays, and especially quiet today. The wind is blowing 15 t0 20 knots from the southwest and is expected to blow hard all day. In addition to that the temperature is in the fifties. Ughhh!!! It should be much better than that this time of the year.
This is the best office that I have ever had. I look out on Jackson creek which leads quickly down a very narrow channel, to the Chesapeake Bay. It is interesting to watch boaters unfamiliar to Jackson creek try to navigate this channel. The water is deep enough, but the captains fail to align themselves properly with the day markers, and periodically run aground. The rule is ," Go slow if you don't know." Gwynns Island forms the backdrop to this channel and is always beautiful as it fades in and out of the fog or sunshine.. The Loons swim in the creek during the winter, and are still here. I hear them calling more and more lately. Perhaps they are gathering the courage to head to colder climes. I watched a Loon the other day try to figure out how to swallow a Hog Choker, which is a small fish in the Flounder family. He worked on the fish for several minutes. He would beat it on the water and then shake it violently turning it around and around. He finally softened it enough to get it down. It bulged in his throat as it slowly went down the pipe.
The Ospreys are hard at work also. They are sitting on eggs which seem to take a long time to hatch, much longer than other birds.
Each year at this time I watch the trees leaf out, and the flowers bloom. I watch the birds and animals start life over, and I am amazed that as bad as we treat this earth it always has the audacity to renew itself once again. How many more years will it happen before we pay the ultimate price for the mistreatment?
The Ol' Curmudgeon


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