pre chemo dental x-rays
I had my full set of dental x-rays today and was very relieved that there were no problems. I called the radiation doctor's office and asked if the dcotor wanted to see them, and the nurse said that he didn't need them. He simply wanted to be sure that all dental problems were treated before the radiation began. There is so much info. coming at me that I can't process it all. Things get mixed up. For example, I was sure that a nurse told me the other day that the doctor might want to pull some of my good teeth because they might be affected by the radiation. Anyaway, I was sure glad that nothing needed to be done. A little good news goes a very long way these days. The dentist told me to call him at any time. He told me that he would fit me in somehow no matter what. Wow! I am still over whelmed by the love and concern of so many people. It is truly unbeleivable.
The dentist gave me a prescription for a special tooth paste that is very high in flouride. I will brush and floss after eating anything using the standard tooth paste, and then I will brush at night with the flouride tooth paste. I am not supposed to rinse my mouth after the night time brushing. I spit out the excess and leave the rest in my mouth. Mmmm! I bet that will taste good! There will also be a special mouth wash, and because of radiation damage to my saliva glands there will also be a type of artificial saliva that I will be able to spray in my mouth. Tomorrow Pat and I will attend a healing service at our church followed by a session in learning centering prayer.
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