Wednesday, December 08, 2010

suicide and the holidays

It has been 14 years since my son Tommy killed himself on Thanksgiving Eve, His death still affects our family. We have accepted the fact that he did what he did and we live with it. SUICIDE IS THE WORST POSSIBLE THING THAT YOU CAN DO TO YOUR FAMILY AND LOVED ONES!!!. They all think, after the fact, that they should have seen it coming. They take responibility for the death. Tv shows the happy family gathered together with friends and everybody is happy. Unfortunately this is not reality. The holidays can be a real downer for folks who don't have a job or maybe don't have any friends or family. Perhaps they can't afford to celebrate like the folks on tv do. Remember this: Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Watch your friends and family closely this holiday season. If the signs seem to be that someone is really down, ask them if they have had thoughts of harming themselves and take action if they say yes.


Blogger reginag said...

Very sorry to hear about that.

April 9, 2013 at 8:27 AM


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