Thursday, December 01, 2005

Salt marshes

I went for a long walk this afternoon. I left the house about 3:15 PM and walked down the shaded road toward the salt marsh which is a couple of miles from the house. The sky is the palest blue this time of year and the afternoon light is very soft and difused. The temperature was barely out of the thirties and I felt the chill as I ambled along in the shade. Not a breath of air moved. I came out into the sunshine as I entered the salt marsh which was cleaved neatly in to by the ribbon of asphalt on which I walked. The marsh grass is asleep for the winter and therefore is a light brown and shows golden in the late afternoon sunlight. Cedar trees, Juniper with blue berries, and old dead snags of pines frame this endless espanse of grass on one side and the Chesapeake Bay contains it on the other. The quiet fairly screamed at me as I did a 360 taking in every bit of the beauty that surrounded me. It is lovely here in Mathews County this time of year. The summer people are gone, and most normal folks stay inside. The grass has stopped growing and the flower garden is asleep for the winter all of which leaves much more time for long walks and reflection.
The Ol' Curmudgeon


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