For the first time in history congress will not allow an increase in Social Security cost of living. In fact; The Kaiser Foundation predicts that there may not be any COLA adjustments for the next three years. However the per monthly premium for medicare insurance will go from $96.40 t0 $104.20 in 2010 and to 120.20 for the year 2011. Don't forget. CONGRESS VOTED THEMSELVES A PAY RAISE AGAIN!
I have been thinking about how we citizens can send the message to our government that they are supposed to be representing us and not the major corporations of the country. The only way that I believe that we can send a really strong message is to vote out of office every incumbent at the state and federal levels. Clean house. Dump them all. Republicans, and Democrats. Fire them all with our vote! Cause some chaos. I believe that one of the reasons that this doesn't happen is because people don't know who their representitives are. They walk into the voting booth and see a familiar name and simply vote for him. How easy it would be. Don't pay any attention to the campaign mud slinging. Simply vote against the incumbent.
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