Thursday, November 20, 2008

a mouth full of cigarette ashes! Ughh!

I had my 13th round of radiation today. I still feel really good physically except for the discomfort of the stomach tube which isn’t to bad. The really nasty thing is that my sense of taste is not only gone but it has been replaced with a mouth full of cigarette ashes. Everything tastes like cigarette ashes. I have been told that things will remain this way until well after the completion of treatment but most people get their sense of taste back again. I now know that I will be using the feeding tube often. We will order the supplements tomorrow. I plan on eating often throughout the day. I can’t choke down to much at one sitting because of the nasty taste, so I will eat a little bit at a time many times throughout the day.
I have been doing what I have been told to do. I drink plenty of water and take my medicine on schedule. One of the nurses complimented me today because I do what I am supposed to do. I told her that I couldn’t understand why anybody wouldn’t do what would give them the best chance, and she said that I would be surprised how many people don’t.
Dry mouth is really bugging me at night. I got an oral lubricant from the druggist today that is supposed to help. I will find out tonight.
My daily regimen consists of:
Brush teeth after every meal
Floss often throughout the day
Rinse mouth with special mouth wash during the day
Take meds on schedule
Keep doctor appointments
Drink lots of water
Rinse out stomach tube and change dressing
Take 1 MG of Atavin before bed, Sometimes I take another Ativan if I wake and can’t go back to sleep.
Rinse mouth with special mouthwash before bed
Brush teeth with flouride tooth paste before bed which I don’t rinse after brushing.
Set alarm so that I take Saligen at the prescribed time each night.
Have fun!!


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