Saturday, December 06, 2008

Oral cancer. My personal journey

It’s Saturday morning. No rushing around to get to my treatment on time! We stayed in bed until 8:00 which felt great. Pat is putting the finishing touches on the Christmas tree. She told me a little while ago that she is very happy this morning. I am too.
Constipation is still a really BIG problem. I started drinking Metamusil and am taking Ducolax and am trying to add fiber to my diet. This morning’s breakfast consisted of oat meal, cranberries, pineapple, fortified milk and honey all put through the liquefy process in the blender. My breakfast was purple but still tasted awful. At least it looked Christmasy.
I feel good this morning. Not great but good. I am still not taking anything for my throat. It is a little sore but very bearable. The dry mouth bothers me a lot at night. The Saligen is still keeping my saliva glands functioning somewhat, but I can only take one of those every eight hours. I still wake at about 2:00 and can’t get back to sleep without getting in the recliner and sleeping for a couple hours. I then wake up and go back to bed and sleep fairly well. As I said before the dry mouth and throat wakes me every hour or so.
One day at a time. Why worry about tomorrow. None of us even know for sure whether it will come for any of us.


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