Friday, March 06, 2009

Oral cancer. My personal journey

We are on our way home from 3 weeks in Florida. We sure hated to lose that warmth and constant sunshine.
I got a lot of my strength back while in Florida. I rode my bicycle as much as 14 miles per day. My neck got a lot stronger. It was very weak at first, probably from the radiation.
I still have the congestion in my voice box. I will see the doctor when I get back. Hopefully it is no more than congestion caused by thickened oral secretions. I still have very little saliva and probably would have none if it wasn't for the medicine.
I still can taste very little. I can taste sweet and I can taste sour but even those things don't taste right. For example; I like Balsamic vinegar dressing. I can taste it but it surely doesn't taste as it should. I eat anyway. I start off each morning with my tube formula blended with honey, a banana and milk and drink it. Then I might have toast and jelly which has no flavor. The rest of the day I eat what everyone else eats but I don't snack because there isn't much food value in junk food and it doesn't taste right anyway, so why bother. I might have another shake sometime during the day also. This depends on how much food I can force down.
Anyway; I feel wonderful! I will have another PET scan on the 25th of March. Hopefully that will come back negative!!!


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