The old Curmudgeon gete pissed!
The Social Security debacle has really started to bother me a lot lately. The baby boomer generation has basically funded our government for the past few generations during which time the boys in DC couldn't spend the money fast enough! Now it is time for the boomers to receive their due, our government has decided that there just might not be enough cash to handle this situation and wants to change the program. Of course if the boys in Washington had been handling business all along there would still be plenty of cash. The last administration left a giant surplus. Why wasn't that put in to the Social Security fund? Anyone with one brain cell still firing would have to know that a good screwing of helpless old folks is on the horizon. These are people that just can't reenter the work force and get a job with the kind of income that they had prior to retirement. Once in a while I will go to a fast food restaurant and see some septegenarion cleaning tables and it makes me feel ill. The future may dictate that we old timers better get on down to the nearest hardees and get an application before they are gone. I hope that these decision makers in Washington, realize that the old folks comprise a major voting block. Maybe some of these carreer politicos will finally be put in the street where they belong. My belief is that all incumbants should be voted against every election. Warner, Kennedy, and lots of others have been there far to long
Our presidunce, Dubya, can't open his mouth without vomiting the words," We has got to privitize social security!! That's the answer!!" What he is really saying is that some more of his rich buddies get even richer from handling this program. They must be drooling all over their silk ties waiting in anticipation! " Order the new Lamborghina honey! Dubya is about to fill our coffers! Doncha just love the boy?"
Remember folks; You and I don't fund politicial elections. Big business funds these boys. Who do you think they owe allegience to; You and me? or big business? I think that the answer to this is very clear.