Oral cancer. My personal journey
I had my 13th radiation treatment today and talked to the doctor afterwards. I see him once a week. I told him about my sore throat and he took a look at it and told me that it was from the radiation and that it would get worse. He gave me a prescription for a mixture that I believed was called Clax. The druggist actually has to mix it up. It contains steroids and other medications that aid in healing. It does not treat the pain directly. I am still taking Tylenol extra strength for pain. I see the chemo doctor tomorrow and may have to see the doctor that installed my stomach tube as it is causing me some discomfort. I am afraid of an infection. I also will try to get a quick appointment with the ear nose and throat doctor to see if he can give me something to drain the fluid out of my ears. Wednesday I get my 2nd round of chemo. That knocked me down for about 4 days last time.
I am feeling a little down today. Pat is too. I am so sorry that she has to go through this. I believe that we are feeling down because of our weekend company leaving. We had other things to think about while they were here. God bless them for driving all of the way from Michigan to spend just a few days with us.
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