Ummmm. Can I have a Big Mac?
I have noticed something that just annoys me to no end! Twenty, thirty, and sometimes even forty somethings have developed the habit of asking the sixteen year old pimply faced boy or girl cashier at the fast food restaurant for permission to order an item. The conversation goes something like this; Customer, " Ummm can I have a Big mac and a large fries and a coke?" Then the pimply faced clerk who evidently has been granted the role of mommy or daddy says , "Yes." I first noticed this a couple of years ago and now I see it all of the time.
What ever happened to the customer saying to the cashier, " I want a Big Mac, Large fries and a coke?" Why do even burly men ask the clerk for permission? I want to take the big burly guy aside and say, "Look man; You don't have to ask permission from the kid to order anything. Just walk up there like a man and tell him what you want! Try saying this," I want a Big Mac, French fries and a coke." Or," Gimme a Big Mac, french fries and a coke." Work on that for a week or two until you gain some confidence and then put on your tightest jock strap so you feel extra manly, walk up and tell him, "And hold the pickle too!" You will feel so macho.