Thursday, April 27, 2006

three more day before adventure begins

I awoke at 5:30 AM. This is good. Normally I wake up at 2:00AM like most other old men do, get up and pee, and then go back to sleep within twenty minutes or so. The last few mornings sleep has not been regained as easily. I start thinking about the trip and can't go back to sleep. I decided this morning that I would get up when I saw that it was 5:30 and do some emailing and some blogging. It is nice sitting here in the dark with no one except Ted the killer poodle dog who is guarding my ankles as I type this.
I have almost finished packing. This has been difficult because I just can't take everything that I would like to take do to room. I also have gone over and over things trying to make sure that I don't leave anything out that may be desperately needed. My doc prescribed a wide spectrum antibiotic as well as Vicodin in case some member of the crew needs either one of them. The captain of the boat says to bring only four pair of underwear, four pair of socks, and four T shirts. One will be in the washing process, one will be drying, one will be worn , and there will be one spare. I will probably make a trip to Deltaville today to drop my gear off at the boat. Pat is cooking a Thanksgiving dinner for the crew of three Brits and myself Saturday afternoon. I have also asked Tony, another Brit who is living on his boat, at the marina, if he would like to come as well,
I still have some items on my honey do list to get done before Saturday, and I will hopefully finish tose today.
The weatherman says that the temp will only be about 64 Sunday which will mean the 50's at night. Standing watch at 2;00Am will probably make me glad that I packed additional long underwear and purchased an additional fleece jacket yesterday.
The Ol' Curmudgeon

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Nation feels great relief!

Good news for Americans this morning. Our presidunce good ol' uncle George has asked that fuel prices be investigated to see if possible price gouging is occuring. I know that this brings great relief to all Americans. Things happen when our government gets involved. Things like infighting, blaming, name calling, etc. Sorry to disappoint you, but that's about all that happens. Uncle George investigating oil is like saying to the fox," Hey! How's about you runnin' in there and checkin' on them chickens?" My prediction is that all of the congressman will piss and moan so that all the constituents will notice that they really do give a shit. Then oil prices will come down a little. After all it is in big oil's interest to keep these boys elected. Then the congressmen will all act like they alone made big oil bring down the prices. Uncle George will smile his idiotic cowboy smile, and the American people will go back to sleep until the next time.
What we really need here is a nationwide one or two day strike. Our oil companies say that gas is in short supply. Well if eighty percent of the workforce stayed home for a day or two gas prices would just tumble. The economy would falter and possibly those millionaires on Capitol Hill would maybe to something besides cover their asses and point.
There! I feel better now. "Hey nurse!" Bring me my meds!"

The Ol' Curmudgeon

Saturday, April 22, 2006

the excitement builds

Six more days before I get on the boat. We won't actually leave that night, but the captain wants us to spend at least one night on the boat before we leave so that we will be somewhat accustomed to the motion. This could avert some sea sickness the next day. I will start laying out the things that I intend to take with me when I get home from work tonight. Everything will have to fit in two small duffle bags. I have been making a list of items for the last month. I still have a list of things to do, and will be able to start on that early in the week. I need to spend some time instructing Pat on how to operate the lawn tractor. She is somewhat intimidated by it. I also need to pick up the prescriptions that Dr. Thomas called in for us. He gave me a prescription of wide spectrum anti biotics, sea sickness patches, and a prescription of Vicodin for pain. Hpefully we will need none of this stuff. I woke up about 2:00 Am and began imagining the trip, and couldn't go back to sleep until about 4:00AM. I visualized us passing by the Bay Bridge tunnel and then slowly watching the land fade from view behind us, as we headed out into the open ocean. I can't wait much longer!!!
The Ol' Curmudgeon

Friday, April 21, 2006

Just a few more days until we are under sail. The kids and grandkids left this morning for their home in Michigan so I now have time to concentrate on packing. This will be a little different than packing for a camping trip. I will simply have to do without anything that I forget. No running to the nearest store from 1000 miles out in the Atlantic. The mast should get set today. It is critical that the job be done precisely. One mistake and the trip will be off as another mast will be hard to find. Pat and Steve arrive from England on the 29th and we will depart on the 30th. Can't wait!!!
The Ol' Curmudgeon

Sunday, April 09, 2006

preperation for England trip

We are beginning preperations for our Atlantic crossing. We should leave Deltaville Marina here in Virginia on April 30th about 2:00PM. We need to catch a high tide as the boat draws seven feet. Nick arrived from England on March 30th and has been working on the hull repairing blisters and painting since he arrived. The mast has yet to be stepped as the boat yard is really busy at this time of year. Two other men will arrive from England on the 28th of April. We are in the process of provisioning at this time. Pat and I will go to Sam's Club this Tuesday to see if we can purchase some of the items in bulk. There will be no gourmet food on this trip. We are trying to eat healthily and to maybe lose a pound or two. We do plan on dragging a fishing line, and should be able to catch fish, hopefully some Mahi-mahi. I think that we will catch plenty. Nick has a unique way of killing a thrashing fish before bringing it aboard. He swears that a small amount of vodka poured directly on the gills will kill any fish on contact. We will head from here to the Azores which I have been told is about 24 days. From there it should be 10 more days to Falmouth, England. We may have to bypass the Azores if we fall behind because one of the other travellers has to be back to work in about 28 days. My hope is that we make good enough time to be able to see the Azores for a day or two. I spent a pretty good amount of money on foul weather gear last Friday and ordered a mid weight fleece jacket from REI, and some sailing boots from West Marine. Nick helped me pick out the foul weather gear, and I am glad that he did as I was going to purchase much lighter weight stuff than I actually needed. I am really starting to get excited about this trip. I also feel a little apprehensive as a lot could go wrong. The keel was reset this winter, and it looks like the yard did a good job however if the keel falls off everything is over quickly as the boat would immediately lay on it's side. The guy who did the keel work has an excellant reputation so I feel confident that everything will be okay with that. Pat's son and his family are coming for Easter and have been invited aboard for a good look. I am anxious for them to see the inside of a big sailboat. Communications should be really good. There is a single side band radio on board and we can send and receive email every day. My neighbor is a ham radio operator and we will talk to he and my wife daily at a prescribed time. We should be able to talk to him all of the way across as a single side band is a powerful radio. We plan on using GMT time so that there will be no confusion as to when to call. There will be a brand new 4 man life raft with us as well as the latest model EPIRB. I am eager to get under way.
The Ol' Curmudgeon

Thursday, April 06, 2006

mocking bird in thros of passion

There is a Mocking bird here at the marina that is going to hurt himself. I worry that he will develop a hernia from singing so often and loudly. He is certainly trying his best to impress some female. His repertoire of song runs from Whipperwill through Blue Jay as well as several manufactured songs. He out perfoms himself daily. It would be like me standing in the yard yelling all day long. I simply don't understand how he can keep it up day after day.
The Ol' Curmudgeon

Monday, April 03, 2006

england trip

Just a few more days until I begin fullfilling a dream. I will be helping sail a forty one foot boat to England on May first. Nick Carter, the boat owner, has arrived from England and is at the boat yard now going over the boat. The keel was reste this winter and looks good. Originally we were sailing from Deltaville to the Azores, but that may take to much time. It looks like we may take the northern route now which will take us through much colder water, but will cut a week or more off of the length of the trip. We will be able to take advantage of the Gulf Streams flow which could add as much as twenty five miles a day on our log.
Getting excited!!
The Ol' Curmudgeon