Thursday, April 30, 2009

good news

Teen Hero Uses Body To Shield 6 Year Old From Bullets
Amidst a basket ball game gone wrong, one teen did what is right.
Last weekend about 300 people were assembled in the Tony Aguirre Community Center on West Pennway Street in Kansas City to watch a basket ball game between DeLaSalle High School and the Southeast Community Center team.
In the fourth quarter an argument broke out between two groups of people in the stands. At one point guns were drawn and 8 people starting firing.
As the hail of bullets sped across the hall, 19 year old basket ball player Jullaion Jones quickly stepped off the court, pushed 6 year old Desean Merritt to the floor, and covered him with his body.
Jullaion kept protecting the little boy like this even when a bullet grazed him in the leg.
“Jullaion moved me and hided me in the corner, and covered his body over mine.”– Desean Merritt, 6
His father is grateful for the kind, potentially life saving act.
“I almost get teary-eyed just thinking about it.
It could have been worse than it was, God was really good that nothing happened to anyone.
I’m glad He put Jullaion there to do what he did.”– Sean Merritt
In total 5 people were injured. Police said all the injuries are non-life-threatening.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

good news

Lottery Winner Gives Prize to Charity
AOL / Wire Services
April 17) - A Michigan man who won $10,000 in the state lottery's Club Keno game has donated his winnings to a charity.
Soon after winning the money on March 11, Jim Dancy of Richland, Mich., decided others needed it more than he did. So he gave it all to the Greater Kalamazoo United Way.
"I was heavily influenced by my close friend Julie, who taught me to think of others first, and to stop and think about what life is really about. I know the needs in the community are great right now, so for me it was the right thing to do," Dancy said in a statement released by the Michigan Lottery.
Mike Larson, the charity's president and chief executive, called the gesture an "incredible act of kindness and generosity" and said the donation couldn't have come at a better time.
He says the economic downturn is making it tough on the agencies that the United Way serves.
Larson said that because United Way is a charitable organization, the winnings will not be taxed.
Dancy is co-founder and chief operating officer of a biological research company in Kalamazoo.

Monday, April 27, 2009


In keeping with the humor theme please check out The Onion by simply typing the onion, in google. It is a spoof of everything that goes on in our society. The Onion bills itself as America's Finest News Source. It always gives me a laugh.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

good news

You know it seems that in today's world we hear nothing but bad news. Nobody wants to hear about the boy scout who helped the poor little old lady cross the street. They want to hear that the boy scout got half way across the street and then he was gunned down by a biker gang. It may be human nature that we want to hear bad news or it may be that we are simply fed a constant diet of bad news so we expect it.
I have decided to look for good news and to post some of it once a day. Following is the first such piece of good news.

Study: Humor Makes Us Hopeful
By Robert Roy Britt, LiveScience Senior Writer
posted: 13 April 2005 06:28 am ET

var URI = escape(document.URL);
var url = escape('/strangenews/050413_humor_hope.html');
var title = escape("Study%3A+Humor+Makes+Us+Hopeful");
var str = 'url='+URI+'&title='+title;

var htmlstr = '';
htmlstr += ' Digg It!';
htmlstr += ' Newsvine';
htmlstr += ' reddit';
function show_print(){
var print_article = new showPrint();

Buzz up!
Digg It!
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A little humor can brighten your outlook, a new study suggests.
People who watched a 15-minute comedy video scored higher on a survey of hopefulness compared to those who didn't get the chance to guffaw.
The finding suggests humor could be a strategy to relieve stress and maintain well-being, the researchers say. The work was published recently in the International Journal of Humor Research.
Previous studies have revealed laughter is good medicine. A report released last month from the University of Maryland Medical Center found laughter makes blood vessels function better, causing the tissue that lines the vessels to expand, increasing blood flow. A previous study at the same institution concluded that laughter and an active sense of humor may protect against heart attacks.
Other surveys have found that humor can relieve stress and contribute to a person's overall well-being.
But why would humor foster hope? Maybe just by inhibiting negative thoughts, said Texas A&M psychologist David H. Rosen, one of the new paper's authors.
Laugher can stimulate thought and cause you to toss out automatic behavioral responses in favor of more creative pursuits, Rosen said. That leads to a greater sense of self worth and a tendency to develop plans of attack for dealing with problems.
The study involved 200 people aged 18-42. It measured not only smiles and laughter, but included surveys to reveal other ways participants reacted to humor.
"Someone who may not laugh as much while viewing a comedy video may still find the video quite humorous and thus have as much beneficial effects as someone who laughed a lot during the video," explained the lead author, Alexander Vilaythong of the University of North Texas.
Any advise for the hopeless?
"I would recommend that individuals seeking sources of hopefulness view comedy videos," Vilaythong told LiveScience. "Other sources of humor may work as well, such as finding humor in daily life, but I will leave that for future studies."Study: Humor Makes Us Hopeful
By Robert Roy Britt, LiveScience Senior Writer
posted: 13 April 2005 06:28 am ET

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

deposit law for cans and bottles

A friend of mine spends time each year picking up debris along his road. He gets lots of soda cans and bottles. He believes that Virginia should have a deposit on all cans and bottles. I think that he is right. It is unbelieveable that Virginia doesn't have a deposit law. I am originally from Michigan where a deposit law has been in effect for many years. Many other states also have deposit laws and there is no doubt about it. The streets and roadsides are devoid of bottles and cans in Michigan as I am sure that they are in the other states as well. The store owners and distibutors will fight this law as they did in these other states. They have powerful lobbys but we must prevail upon our congressmen to get moving on this matter.

Friday, April 17, 2009

We got a notice from Bank Of America informing us that they are drastically raising their rates for using their bank. Let's see if I understand how this all works. Banks act stupidly and then raise rates for customers to cover their mistakes. We will be checking with other area banks to see if we should move our accounts.
Our county has increased personal property taxes on cars and boats to cover deficits. I disagree with this. I think that the actions of government should compare with a household. Families have to cut spending when income decreases. There are no other choices. I believe that government should act the same. Sure it hurts. Reality is sometimes unpleasant. Here we are in the middle of one of the biggest recesions we have ever experienced and job losses are at an all time high and our county raises taxes. Taxes don't go down when the economy improves. Grocery prices were raised to cover increases in fuel costs. Fuel costs have gone down. Grocery prices have not. Hmmmmm!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I have been watching Frontline on PBS tonight. The program is dealing with the Taliban and Pakistan. It looks like the Taliban will eventually take over Pakistan. One Taliban soldier said that they are taught that death is a blessing. How can you defeat an army with that attitude. Big armys can not defeat people who willingly strap explosives to themselves and gleefully walk into public places and blow themselves up. My wife just made the comment that maybe we are coming to the end of the world. That would be easy to believe after watching this program.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Oral cancer. My personal journey

Since the cancer is gone from my body at this time, I am going to write about other things, as I did before I got sick. I will update re. The cancer as things develop which I hope is never again. I am scheduled to go for a CAT scan in July.
It made me very happy to find out that the pirates were dead and the captain freed. My sister called with the news early this morning. She was excited as was I. I called my brother-in-law right away as I know that he doesn't generally watch the news in the morning. He was excited also. It seems to me that this nation needs some good news right about now. Our economy has tanked. A large and growing segment of our population is unemployed. People are losing their homes. Etc...Etc... We need a rallying point. I just can't understand why the USA doesn't put a few well armed soldiers on board our ships with orders to blow away any group that threatens one of our flagged vessels. I don't care what the rest of the world decides to do. Let them fend for themselves. Blow away a few pirates and see if they don't decide to go play somewhere else!

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Oral cancer. My personal journey

I got good news from the doc today. He thinks that the breast swelling is being caused by the prilosec and switched me to another type of acid inhibiter. I certainly hope that he is right. As I said in my earlier post I would sure hate to go through puberty again!!

Oral cancer. My personal journey

I have an appointment to see my internist this morning. I have had a problem with swollen and painful nipples for the past few weeks. My chemo doctor thinks that my pituitary gland is producing too much of the female hormone. She told me that sometimes this is caused by a small tumor on the gland, but doesn't believe that this is the case on this occasion because I just had a PET scan which showed that there was no cancer present. She also doesn't believe that the radiation damaged the gland because it is located away from the radiated area. I have learned that I should ask myself, " What has changed?" when a problem occurs. Well the only thing that changed was the radiation and chemo. Anyway...I remember having the same problem as I began to go through puberty. Man!!! I hope I don't have to go through puberty again! I almost didn't make it the first time!!!

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Someone sent this to me via email. It almost makes sense!

There was an article from the St. Petersburg Times Newspaper on Sunday. TheBusiness Section asked readers for ideas on "How Would You Fix the Economy?"I thought this was the BEST idea....I think this guy nailed it! Dear Mr. President, Patriotic retirement: There's about 40 million people over 50 in the work force - pay them $1million apiece severance with stipulations. 1) They leave their jobs. Forty million job openings - Unemployment fixed. 2) They buy NEW American cars. Forty million cars ordered - Auto Industryfixed. 3) They either buy a house or pay off their mortgage - Housing Crisis fixed. Like I have been saying, they are bailing out the wrong people. AMEN

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Oral cancer. My personal journey

I had a follow up appointment with the chemo doctor yesterday. She pronounced everything A-ok and made an appointment for me to have another CAT scan in two months. Once again I heard a doctor say, " You are our poster child you know." I was very thankful!!!

I wrote this little story which was printed in our local paper recently.

My wife’s birthday is coming up next week. She asked me if I had gotten her a present yet. I said that I hadn’t. She showed me a flyer from Sears and said that there was a big sale on things for the home and that she would like some new every day silverware and dishes. Dollar signs began to run through my head. I somehow instinctively knew that this was gong to cost way more than I had intended to spend. I had been thinking that I might run to Peebles and see what they had on their sale rack in petites. New dish towels might also be nice. Maybe even a new mop. I knew that she would appreciate a good quality mop. She struggles so with the old one.
“What’s wrong with the silverware that we have dear?” I stupidly asked her.
“I mean the tines aren’t bent to badly on the forks, and I can straighten the bent ones in my vise!” The spoons don’t have holes in them yet! They still hold soup! The peas still stay on my knife!”
“ Look at them!” She stated. “They are horribly pitted and stained! They look worn!”
I refered her to the comments listed above. She scowled
“And what is wrong with the dishes sweety pie?” I stupidly asked her again.
“ They aren’t chipped! I don’t have to worry about cutting my tongue when I lick the plates and bowls!”
“Aren’t you sick of looking at the same design?” She asked. “You know that we have been using the same dishes for sixteen years?”
“Yes we have and that’s because we are very careful!” I answered.
Another scowl!
“You just don’t get it do you?” she stated.
She was right. I don’t get it, but then men never do seem to, “get it.” After all; Men are from Mars and women are from Venus, or Pluto, or somewhere way, way out there.
I know that my arguments are futile. I know that there will soon be shiny new silverware, and gleaming plates at our house. I know that this will happen, that is if I continue to care to eat.
And when all is said and done I know that I will truly enjoy the pleasurable feeling that one gets when inserting a shiny new knife full of peas in one’s mouth, especially when they are lifted from a sparkling new plate, and there will be no more little wounds on my lips from bent fork tines.
Happy birthday dear!
Tom Neiger

Sunday, April 05, 2009

I heard an interesting comment made by one of the talking heads on a Sunday morning Meet The Press type show this morning. He said something like this. Everyone in Europe seems to appreciate Obama. The only people who don't appreciate him are the conservatives back in America.