surfing blog sites
I have had some time on my hands the last few days, and have been surfing blog sites. I have probably visited 100 sites in the past week or so. I have noticed several things regarding these sites. 1) There are an inordinate number of teenaged girls with cutsey sites but nothing to say, 2) there are a lot of foreign sites that make me wish that I could read a few different languages. There are usually photos in these foreign sites and the people tend to be thirtyish and are involved in doing the same things that people in this country enjoy such as picnicing with friends and family etc; It makes me realize how similar we all are on this planet. It is just to bad that each country has to have politicians keeping us at odds with one another!!! 3) there are very few people ( in fact none that I've found) my age blogging. That's really to bad because people in their fifties and sixties usually have something to say, and I would enjoy communicating with them.
Ol' Curmudgeon